Want a great, serious, scientific and insightful look at the history of mediumship in the US?

A great book that I just finished picking through overnight……is the Witch of Lime Street.   It’s the story of a bunch of oversized personalities – from Harry Houdini to Mina Crandon to many of the best scientific minds of the early 20th century, as they tried to form a consensus on whether SOME psychics and mediums were real……and after death communication was possible.  (the book focuses on ONE incredible medium, Mina Crandon and much of the content and controversy that surrounded her seances)

If you are interested in the amazing intersection between science and spirituality and the history of psychic mediums, here is an amazing book detailing how Harry Houdini, Scientific American and the most famous Boston “physical” medium of all time – Mina Crandon collided in the 1920’s – all trying to prove (or disprove) the reality of psychic and after death communication. Fascinating stuff! (and we love that this book (and topic) is getting all sorts of love….from all sorts of surprising people!)

Check it out below!

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