This has been a long time coming

What do psychics say about what’s going on with the Israel Gaza war?  Do they predict how it’s going to end, who is going to “win” and how much of all of us are going to lose on the way to a resolution (that may never be coming at all?)

I found the article above an interesting read – NOT because of what the “channeler” claims her guides told her, but rather, how so many of the comments (and claps, which is how medium rates positive feedback) were completely in line with my own interpretation of her words – full of sound and fury – signifying nothing.  (in other words – the woman who posted the article – and claims to be channeling wisdom a la Jane Roberts, Paul Selig and other well known psychic and spiritual celebrities – she ends up saying absolutely NOTHING that is definitive – or directional – or predictive – other than a bunch of gibberish that one could find on any local news channel – on Twitter – on CNN or Fox news – or anywhere else where the opinions are ostensibly, not from some other realm – but from average human minds, and insights)

I’d be curious what other people think of course – as this medium does have a fairly large readership – but I found myself celebrating not her very vague and random offerings of wisdom (be good to your neighbors, don’t stress about stuff happening in parts of the world that you can’t control, etc) – but instead – I found myself celebrating the large amount of pushback – and disappointment – from other folks on every side of the political divide.

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