Our newest addition to the famous psychic medium business directory is Rebecca Rosen, a Colorado based spiritual medium with a large and growing fanbase….and a new book out this week to boot!

Check out her full listing at the link below – and if you’ve had a private reading with Rebecca Rosen and can leave a review of your experience with her, we (and our community of people looking to have their own amazing psychic experiences) would appreciate it!  (all reviews welcome – good, bad, indifferent or otherwise – we want real people with REAL opinions to share their experiences so we ALL benefit)

Enjoy – the full listing can be found at the link following the short excerpt below.

While not having some of the big brand name recognition of others in the field (most notably Theresa Caputo, John Edward and James Van Praagh) she HAS been one of the most interesting names when our own readers are polled for the psychic or medium they’d MOST want an opportunity to sit with privately.Rebecca has either appeared on, or has been featured on such a diverse amount of media and TV programming…….everything from 60 Minutes, to a special investigation done by FOX TV “Front and Center” Detroit, to Oprah, Rosie and the myriad of other day time talk shows that love to celebrate the spiritual set

Rebecca Rosen Psychic Medium

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