What do psychics predict will happen to President Trump?  (will he be impeached….and WHO will win the 2020 election?)

Here is a brand new series we will be sharing featuring both psychic predictions about President Trump’s future and the 2020 presidential election:

  1.  The Psychic Twins famously predicted that Trump would NOT last 4 years in office.  Here is the article (and video) on what the Jamison Twins predicted for Trump.
  2. Psychic Medium Michael Martin (who wrote one of our favorite short books on becoming a medium) predicts that Trump will NOT be impeached, but will also NOT win the 2020 election.  (instead, he predicts a Democratic winner with a female Vice President in 2020 – he has stuck to his prediction that Amy Klobuchar would be on the winning ticket dating back over a year -(before she was officially running for President) and we will continue to pay attention to her, especially as a potential vice presidential pick if her campaign for the top job doesn’t pan out)
  3. We’ve had other recent submissions predicting that Trump WOULD be impeached…..in the next few weeks, but without lots of back up data to support why, so we’ll be posting those “predictions” as well – but only when they come with some more actionable insight into why.
  4. Psychic Source is offering special readings with Psychic Predictions for 2020.  Impress your friends, and family with unique, insightful election predictions from some of our favorite phone psychics and spiritual mediums around.

What do YOU think?  Are you a psychic with a prediction for the 2020 election?  Do you have some unique insight into the impeachment process taht you’d like to share with our community?  Send us an email (suddenlypsychic@gmail.com) and we’re happy to share!  🙂

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