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“Empath: You deserve to be fly. Don’t let others mistake your sensitivity for someone who will settle, or live a small story. It’s actually the opposite. You are here to soar”
– Angela Li
The biggest stressor for an empath?  Toxic people, energy vampires and people who swing from one emotional extreme to another.  If you’re naturally sensitive to the emotional and energetic swings that other people experience, you’ll find yourself drained, overwhelmed and incredibly unbalanced.
Many empaths in our community report struggling with GENEROSITY – or a desire so deep to help, save and support other people in our orbit, that we actually end up in an endless loop of disappointment, and feeling let down (often by folks we love most)
Sound familiar?  If so…check out 21 signs you’re an empath.  A short, accurate and fun personality quiz for empathic personality spectrum.

With that out of the way…..welcome, empath! If you’re ready to learn a little about your spiritual journey let’s take a look at 10 types of empaths and see if we can find YOU anywhere on this list below. 

But let’s also talk about what so many empaths in our own community self report as the most challenging elements of their experience as a spiritually sensitive person.

So what do empaths find emotionally challenging that the rest of us seem to handle just fine?

  1.  Empaths tend to have a much higher startle response than “average”.  What does this mean?  Loud noises, crowded places and suffocating spaces are like kryptonite to a spiritually (or emotionally) sensitive person.
  2. Empaths also tend to eschew self absorbed personalities FAR more than most.  While your garden variety narcissist doesn’t really bother most folks, an empath feels the depth of their duplicity, and the stench of their self absorption in a visceral way.  This can lead to headaches, to nausea and a sense of spiritual suffocation that is hard to describe, unless you’ve experienced it.
  3. Empaths (especially those of us with some psychic or precognitive abilities) also find the news, or current events, overwhelming.   (most notably, in difficult times like the ones we’re living through now)  Some empaths can FEEL the future in a way that is hard to describe….and this can lead to feelings of overwhelm that lead many of us to retreat to safe spaces where we can process and absorb what we see….alone.

Then, if you see yourself (or a loved one, friend or family member) in the description below, tell us more in the comments below! (alternatively you can get an empathic life reading here, which will help clarify which of these light worker traits is most prominent in you)

1.Feeling empaths. (emotional sponges, you find other people’s emotions easy to absorb)

2.Introverted empaths. (you feel “lived” and owned by your own emotions, moment to moment, which leads to withdrawal)

3.Dharma driven empaths. (you feel the need to heal the world, to share your gift and to wake up the world with your work)

4.Dreamer empaths. (your strongest skills tend to come out when you sleep – often in lucid dreams and dream visitation experiences, often with loved ones you’ve lost, who have crossed)

5.Bohdhisattva empaths. (you feel the pain of the world, absorb it and seek out solutions to solve the BIG problems we all face together. Your motivations are generally spiritual and selfless – and there is very little “me” focus)

6.Inspirational empaths. (your motivation is generally to cultivate a community and transform a tribe of peers. You are a leader, and others flock to you naturally)

7.Introspective empaths. (you tend to keep your gift to yourself, and think deeply about problems – both your own – your friends, family and even strangers…..YET, other than your close knit soul circle, no one would know the depth of your sensitivity)

8.Energetic empaths. (you pick up on the energy of others, but not always, their emotions. You may feel sleepy – or speedy – simply by being in the presence of others whose bodily energy you absorb)

9.Aura empaths. (you may have all of the traits above – or some of theme – but you see, feel, or even taste the aura’s of others. You see, feel; and even speak in “colors”. (you may also  show signs of synesthesia which is the ability to , hear colors, taste sounds, and other blending of senses that only a very small percentage of people will ever understand.

10. Spiritual empaths. (you are a medium – or have the innate ability to feel, sense or see spirit. (note – for those of you who are natural empaths but want to accentuate your “medium” muscle, we recommend “how to talk to spirits” by renowned gifted medium, Michael Martin.

 New: Self Discovery prompts, quizzes and exercises for light workers, empaths, healers and spiritual seekers.

NEW: A crash course for empaths, healers, and spiritual seekers ready to wake up the world with your words…and work. Join us, here!

So what do empaths find emotionally challenging that the rest of us seem to handle just fine?

  1.  Empaths tend to have a much higher startle response than “average”.  What does this mean?  Loud noises, crowded places and suffocating spaces are like kryptonite to a spiritually (or emotionally) sensitive person.
  2. Empaths also tend to eschew self absorbed personalities FAR more than most.  While your garden variety narcissist doesn’t really bother most folks, an empath feels the depth of their duplicity, and the stench of their self absorption in a visceral way.  This can lead to headaches, to nausea and a sense of spiritual suffocation that is hard to describe, unless you’ve experienced it.

For some more resources on empathic traits from around the web, check out some of the other links below.

Has anyone ever told you that you are too sensitive or too emotional? You might belong to a special group of people known as empaths.

Empaths see the world much differently than most.  Empaths tend to absorb the atmosphere, and the energy, of where ever we put ourselves in the world.    Do you have a lot of angry, stressed, anxious people in your life?  If you’re an empath…..the truth is, you’re going to feel their pain.  Quite literally.

So what does it mean to be an empath?

What are Empaths?

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense. However, the term empath can also be used as a spiritual term, describing an individual with special, psychic abilities to sense the emotions and energies of others. This particular article will focus on the psychological aspects of being an empath.

There are many benefits of being an empath. On the bright side, empaths tend to be excellent friends. They are superb listeners. They consistently show up for friends in times of need. They are big-hearted and generous. Empaths also tend to be highly intuitive and emotionally intelligent.

However, some of the very qualities that make empaths such fantastic friends can be hard on the empaths themselves. Because empaths quite literally feel what their friends are going through, they can become overwhelmed by painful emotions, such as anxiety or anger. Empaths have a tendency to take on the problems of others as their own. It is often difficult for them to set boundaries for themselves and say no, even when too much is being asked of them.

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