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Are you an empath?  Do you find yourself gravitating to more spiritually sensitive communities?

There is lots and lots of online content about empathic abilities – traits, qualities, skills, and experiences which purportedly identify one as an “empath” or gifted healer of one type or another.  In our experience, while EVERYONE has the power and potential to explore and expand their intuitive gifts, many of the “empath” descriptions are way to vague, too general, and not accurate at all.  Here is as short list of 10 types of empaths we interact with in our own community – and in future posts, we’ll share much more about each type.

If  any of the below resonates with you – tell us which empathic ability is strongest, and why?

  1. Feeling empaths. (emotional sponges, you find other people’s emotions easy to absorb)
  2. Introverted empaths. (you feel “lived” and owned by your own emotions, moment to moment, which leads to withdrawal)
  3. Dharma driven emapths. (you feel the need to heal the world, to share your gift and to wake up the world with your work)
  4. Dreamer empaths. (your strongest skills tend to come out when you sleep – often in lucid dreams)
  5. Bohdhisattva empaths. (you feel the pain of the world, absorb it and seek out solutions to solve the BIG problems we all face together. Your motivations are generally spiritual and selfless – and there is very little “me” focus)
  6. Inspirational empaths. (your motivation is generally to cultivate a community and transform a tribe of peers. You are a leader, and others flock to you naturally)
  7. Introspective empaths. (you tend to keep your gift to yourself, and think deeply about problems – both your own – your friends, family and even strangers…..YET, other than your close knit soul circle, no one would know the depth of your sensitivity)
  8. Energetic empaths. (you pick up on the energy of others, but not always, their emotions. You may feel sleepy – or speedy – simply by being in the presence of others whose bodily energy you absorb)
  9. Aura empaths. (you may have all of the traits above – or some of theme – but you see, feel, or even taste the aura’s of others. You see, feel; and even speak in “colors”. (you may also be a synthesete – or show signs of synthesesia, which is the ability to , hear colors, taste sounds, and other blending of senses that only a very small percentage of people will ever understand.
  10. Spiritual empaths. (you are a medium – or have the innate ability to feel, sense or see spirit. (note – for those of you who are natural empaths but want to accentuate your “medium” muscle, we recommend “how to talk to spirits” by renowned gifted medium, Michael Martin.
am i an empath

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What about you? Any of these familiar? Let us know in the community comments section below!

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