signs you are a medium

Am I a Medium? What are the signs? Are all mediums also psychic? If not…..why not?

Here is a quick chart we put together earlier this morning on some of the lesser known signs you may be a medium. There are lots of OBVIOUS things you can read all over the web about psychic development, or traits of a medium, etc – but many of the more abstract qualities are what separates PRACTICING mediums, from folks who are just getting flashes of illumination, inspiration and insight from the ethereal realms.

The good news is most of these skills can be cultivated with practice and awareness exercises. For example, one can practice visualizing and interpreting imagery, and that certainly strengthens the cultivation of the sort of concentration a good medium needs to stay on message.

For some other thoughts on the traits of a medium, check out some of the other resources around the web below:

By definition, a medium is a type of psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.[1] Natural born mediums have always had their abilities, while latent mediums develop them later in life. A medium uses their intuitive skills to see the events (past, present, and future) of someone by reading the spiritual energy around that person. Though mediums and psychics are controversial figures, they are very prevalent in today’s culture.[2] If you’re curious about the world of psychics and spirituality, look carefully at yourself and your past to see if you have the qualities typically associated with a medium.

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