Is Tyler Henry Fake? Is the Hollywood Medium the real deal….or just another psychic medium or inspirational spiritual teacher doomed to disappoint?

With so many people finding hope, help and healing from psychic mediums, it’s no surprise that many skeptics, cynics and NON believers tend to diminish and disregard the spiritual skills of many of the best known luminaries in the helping and healing spaces. It should obviously be no surprise then, that Tyler Henry has become the target of much derision from the very folks who believe that ALL psychics and mediums are fake, fraudulent and simply making it ALL up.

tyler henry scam

is tyler henry real

In this issue of “Doubtful News”, the author of this piece (a well known skeptic and paranormal de-bunker) puts Tyler Henry in her crosshairs, and attacks his credibilty and bona fides in a whole bunch of different ways. The truth is, regardless of how much “science” she attempts to incorporate in her take down of Tyler Henry, she simply has NO idea whether or not her skepticism is warranted, or not.

Here is a simple question:

Do YOU believe in life after death? Do you have an intuition that consciousness or the YOU that makes up the central piece of the puzzle that IS in fact, you……continues on after physical life ends? And if that IS in fact true…what do you believe happens to that awareness when the body is no longer animated with life? Is it possible that you can still communicate with those of us in the living? And IF that is true, (as most people DO believe) what is to say that someone especially gifted cannot be a conduit to communicating beetween this world and the next?

Tyler Henry seems to have appeared out of nowhere to wow celebs like the Kardashians (who seemed a bit too easily wowed by just shiny things). But that’s all we have from Tyler. He’s not shown the world what he says he can do. Susan Gerbic writing at Skeptical Inquirer online looked into this psychic newcomer to see what’s what. It isn’t any less icky than the usual psychic swill. It’s a good story about psychic awakening. He says he just wants to help people (don’t they all) including parents of suicides (that makes him, as Susan says “people who prey on families when they are the most desperate and vulnerable”). Some may argue that his kind of help during bereavement is actually beneficial. Others say he is just another (albeit innocent looking) “grief vampire” like the late and often mistaken Sylvia Browne or the several other psychics who get rich taking money from those who fervently believe psychics can talk to their lost loved ones.

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