Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and welcome to the newest installment of our “Conversations with Clairvoyants” Q and A interview series!

This is where YOUR questions come to life through the answers, insights and experiences of the psychics, mediums, healers, teachers, trainers and authors we feature on our community each and every day. And remember, if you have questions about life, death or anything in between that you’d like to pose to our community of light workers, let us know!

Either send us an email or if you’d like to ask something directly of the psychic or medium featured in that day’s Q and A, post your question in the community comments section underneath each interview.

(curious but NOT yet convinced?  We welcome ALL questions and you don’t need to be a believer to participate. As long as your questions are respectful, we welcome (and want!) to hear from you 🙂

janny diToday we are featuring Janny Di, a gifted medium and card reader from New Rochelle, New York. Be sure to check out Janny’s website HERE, or her profile on our directory HERE.

You can also read a free sample of Janny’s book. “Their Whispers Tell a Story” on Amazon here!

Enjoy her entire interview below!

Q:  What has your experience been like doing this work,living this life and having an unusual calling?

Janny:   I consider myself very lucky to help people find peace. My experience has always been very positive. As far back as I can remember I have always had the support of family and friends.  I also really do not consider my gift unusual. It is just another facet of who I am.

Q:  How (and when) did you discover this path?

Janny:   I knew I was different at a very early age.I have memories of communicating with my Mom almost silently as far back as age 4 or 5. I know that may sound unusual but it was like we just knew what each other was thinking.I have that same connection with my kids.  As I wrote in my book I really came into my gifts upon the death of my Mom when I was 6.

I know I inherited my gifts from her as she did from her mother before her. My Mom remains my main guide.

Q: What has been the biggest gift or blessing that choosing (or following ) this path has brought?

Janny: I love people. The greatest blessing I receive is seeing anyone move forward in their life in a positive manner. Everyone deserves happiness and if I can help someone who is struggling in any area of their life than I am happy. We are all here to help each other.

Q: How do people react when you say you are psychic?

Janny: Surprisingly they don’t.As a matter of fact many people approach me and ask! In general I am blessed to be surrounded by progressive people.If someone is cynical it is their right to be.I just get annoyed with people who try to play the “test the psychic” game. I never lower myself to that level.

I truly believe in what I do whether you do or not. You may not believe in me but I believe in me and have helped a countless amount of people .  That’s all that matters to me.

Q: What about religious people who believe that psychic or spirit communication is “evil” or

Janny: Well,I have a few opinions on that.  First of all I believe in God. I also believe that God gave me these gifts and created me this way for a reason.

My gifts come from God. I find it very sad when people don’t open their minds to anything out of the ordinary. I am a healer.I walk in the white light. I am not evil. Narrow­ minded people are hurtful.  Being hurtful is evil.  God is not judgmental so it just doesn’t make sense does it.

How can you believe in God and then be critical of  anyone who is trying to help others basically doing God’s work?  It’s very sad.

Q: Are you superstitious?

Janny:  Not particularly.I am respectful of people who are. I am actually practical.I mean it just doesn’t make sense to walk under a ladder does it?

Q: Do you do anything before a reading that helps you connect,tune in or get in the zone?

Janny: Well first and foremost protect,protect,protect. That is so important. You always want to go into a reading surrounded by the white light. Other than that I always call in my guides to help me relay any information that the client needs for closure.

Q: Do you have to turn on(shut off) to live a normal life outside of this work?

Janny:   No. As I explained earlier what I do is very much a part of me. It is very natural.  At times I can get overwhelmed. That’s when I may try to “shut down”. For example I once had an incident at a hospital that made me very uncomfortable.It almost made me woozy.

The only other thing I can say is that I really shy away from long lines and crowded places. I usually don’t venture out much around the holidays.

Q: Tell us one thing about your daily life that might surprise us?

Janny: I crochet a lot. When people find out they get a kick out of it. I am very traditional in many ways and enjoy many of the old ways.

Q: What is the most important message or take away that you like to offer your clients during a

Janny: That everyone is born Divine! We are all divine beings with unlimited potential. Everyone should follow their “bliss”.I realize we all have to make a living but you shouldn’t be afraid to pursue something that you love doing.

Once you get to that place and you are on the right path doors will fly open for you.There’s that old saying.”If you do something you love,you will never work a day in your life!” Namaste!

Q: Do you have an exceptional, memorable or particularly powerful reading or experience you
can share?

Janny: About 4 years ago I was reading at the Festival of the Dead in Salem ,Massachusetts. A young woman sat down at my table and I could immediately sense that she was distressed. It ended up her life was upside down. She lost her job,her marriage was crumbling and she was not taking care of herself at all. I spoke to her for fifteen minutes gave her my personal number and assured her things would get better.I started by reading the cards but spirit guides took over and I relayed all the messages.

The following year I returned to the fair to read and this young woman sat down in front of me. She was absolutely glowing. Her energy was off the chart ! I looked at her and she said”Do you remember me?” After taking a second look I realized it was the same girl I sat down with the year before. She told me that it was a long road but along the way she kept hearing my voice.

She then told me that she was divorced and had moved forward and was happier than she had ever been in her life.

That was my moment. I realized just how important what I do is.This girl was my reward. It was a verification to what I do.There is nothing more satisfying than knowing you helped another human being get on track. We are still friends to this day and life has been good to both of us!

Q: What is your process like? Describe a typical reading.

Janny: If it is a card reading I usually use 2 decks. One is an oracle deck that gives me an idea of where my client is in their life at this moment. The other deck is a tarot deck. I go through the oracles cards (3 to be exact) then I begin with the tarot. If spirit is there with the client and it is strong spirit I will address that. I try to keep medium work and straight readings separate but if you are in this line of work you know when spirit talks you better listen.

Q: Where else can our readers find you around the web? Have you published any books, or do you do any regular media?

Janny: I published my first book in March 2013 titled “Their Whispers Tell A Story” It is a compilation of short chapters covering subjects such as How I knew I was different,how I feel gifts run in families,experiences I have had and others in my family have had.

Their Whispers Tell a Story: Memoirs of a Psychic Medium

Their Whispers Tell a Story: Memoirs of a Psychic Medium

The book is available at, and

I am also a freelance artist and have some paintings and other items for sale. These can be
viewed on my website.

I host 2 blogtalkradio shows. “Unveiling the Infinite” with Jessica Costello on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 p.m. and “Mystical Caboodle” with Willie Rosario and Nicole “Snow” Green on Thursday nights from 6:30­7 p.m.

I am a Reverend under the Trinacrian Rose Church in Salem,Massachusetts.

My website is I am on facebook and twitter under Janny Di. Please visit my
website and friend me on facebook !

Q:  Final Thoughts?

Janny:  If we all show some compassion this world would be such a better place!

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