Here is a great near death experience account of a prominent cardiac surgeon, Dr Lloyd W Rudy, as she shares a remarkable account of a patients spontaneous revival, after being pronounced dead for over 20 minutes.

This account is particularly interesting due to the very specific visual cues that the patient recollected….imagery in the room that would have been impossible for him to have seen any other way than as he recounted it. (being outside of his body while clinically dead)

Other doctors in the room also confirm the experience happened as reported in the video as well.

Very cool and well worth watching regardless of what side of the spiritual fence you fall 🙂

No one had done anything to revive the patient since he was declared dead, the revival was spontaneous. It took the patient a couple of days to regain consciousness, but he made a full recovery without any sign of brain damage.

Amado-Cattaneo said, “I have experienced a few times that people recovered from a deep and long shock, but these people were still alive, whereas in this case the man had died.”

As with many people who have reported leaving the body during an NDE, the patient described a bright light at the end of a tunnel. It’s the happenings he observed within the hospital, however, that intrigue those looking to scientifically verify NDEs.

He saw Rudy and Amado-Cattaneo talking, he accurately described their position in the room and how they stood with arms folded over the chest; he saw the anesthesiologist enter the room. Most interestingly, he saw a nurse’s computer monitor with a row of post-it notes lined up one on top of the other. Indeed, the nurse had taken telephone messages for Rudy on post-it notes and stuck them up in this formation.

No one had done anything to revive the patient since he was declared dead, the revival was spontaneous. It took the patient a couple of days to regain consciousness, but he made a full recovery without any sign of brain damage.

Amado-Cattaneo said, “I have experienced a few times that people recovered from a deep and long shock, but these people were still alive, whereas in this case the man had died.”

As with many people who have reported leaving the body during an NDE, the patient described a bright light at the end of a tunnel. It’s the happenings he observed within the hospital, however, that intrigue those looking to scientifically verify NDEs.

He saw Rudy and Amado-Cattaneo talking, he accurately described their position in the room and how they stood with arms folded over the chest; he saw the anesthesiologist enter the room. Most interestingly, he saw a nurse’s computer monitor with a row of post-it notes lined up one on top of the other. Indeed, the nurse had taken telephone messages for Rudy on post-it notes and stuck them up in this formation.

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