Q:  Can a pet psychic help a domestic animal behave?  Are pet psychics and spiritual mediums that connect with,  or communicate with our furry friends in the afterlife the very SAME as those who do the same work with human beings?  And what sort of services DO pet psychics provide in the first place?  Who hires them….and how can they help?

Believe it or not, we get a fair amount of questions about good pet psychics or animal communication experts, and while we DON’T focus on these types of readings, there IS a little bit of crossover between those who work well with human spirits…..and those who prefer to focus on those of our furry friends and family members…:-)

My own experience with spirit communication on the animal side?

Very positive, and powerful, and persuasive!  Having loved and lost more than my fair share of family pets…..I can tell you that from first hand experience, a good, empathetic and accurate animal intuitive can be a GREAT help in the healing process.

Does that mean that ALL pet psychics are the real deal?  Absolutely not. 

You have to do your due dillegence, and make sure you are working with someone who has the pedigree (no pun intended..:-) and past performance before you pay for a promise they may NOT be able to deliver.  (as the pet communication “business” adds a whole new layer and level of complexity and difficulty in ascertaining accuracy, or honesty or verifying that you are working with an evidential intuitive, and NOT someone who is just barking at the moon.

Sorry, I can’t help myself! 🙂

For a good article on some of what you can expect from a pet psychic, check out the article following the short excerpt below.  Or, if you know of a good animal intuitive yourself, tell us about them using the community comments, our contact form, OR by having them submit their information to our business directory as well!  Enjoy 🙂

Since changing his name, his owner says, Sam has become “the most responsive cat I’ve ever had.”No words need to be spoken to communicate with animals, Diener says. She sometimes meets with the animal and its owner at their home, but she also works over the phone. Clients from across the country send her photos of their animals and explain their problems.”I have the people on the phone and I have a photo of the animal. I have the owners tune into the animal. It’s all telepathic. It’s like finding the telepathy highway in the atmosphere,” Diener says. “The interaction is so internal. You don’t have to vocalize words for the animal to get the thought.”The “telepathy highway” heads through the afterlife, too.Fox was heartbroken three years ago by the death of her boxer, Sasha. So when she and her husband, Bob Fox Sr., adopted a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, she had a request for Diener.”When Terri talked to the puppy, she asked if Sasha can come in and be part of her being,” Fox says. “Abby Rose has all the aspects of Sasha.”If you have a tough time believing this, you’re not alone.Skeptical experts say that, as is the case with psychics, the problem with animal communication is it cannot or has not been proved or disproved. There aren’t scientific studies or statistics.

‘Pet psychics,’ aka ‘animal communicators’ know what your pet is thinking – baltimoresun.com

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