Want to know some good questions to ask a psychic or medium? You are NOT alone. The funny thing in my experience about psychic readings is that people get super excited about the experience, and then totally drop the ball when it comes to figuring out what to ask.

For example, many people are embarrassed to ask what they REALLY want to know when speaking to a psychic, intuitive or clairvoyant.

Others are even a bit ashamed, or feel guilty about what they might hear… especially as it pertains to spiritual issues, or resolving problems with someone who may have passed on, and you feel that there are things unsaid, undone or issues yet to be addressed.

Others still want to pretend like they are getting reading ONLY for entertainment purposes only, and as such… keep most of their most pressing and purposeful questions to themselves.

Some common (and good) questions to get the ball rolling in the right direction, especially if you don’t know where to begin?

  1. PURPOSE oriented questions are a great place to begin a reading, as most readers are empathetic to this sort of sense by default.
  2. What do you sense my purpose is… and is the path I’m on now a good way to pursue it?
  3. PASSION oriented questions are also something that most psychics like to address.
  4. Passion can be related to relationships as much as purpose above, as each of us comes into this life with things that set our soul ablaze, and finding that fire is a critical piece of living a life you’ll love.
  5. Karma questions are also really interesting, especially as that karma may relate to others in your life right now.
  6. Some spiritual intuitive’s (myself for example!) believe that all of us have karmic contracts with most of the important people in our day to day lives, and that we are here to learn from, to help and to develop together as a group.
  7. As such, even the most challenge and difficult relationships are meant to teach us BOTH something super important, and learning what those things are can make the difference between anger and enlightenment. (and allows us to be grateful for ALL of the people that are in our lives, even the ones that feel like a burden)

A good intuitive, especially one that specializes in past lives, karma and connection can give you incredible insights in this regard, and if you’re like me, save you years of therapy to boot!

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