Q:  How much does it cost to make an appointment with the Long Island Medium?

theresa caputo readingsDoes she do private readings for the public?  And if so…..how much are they?

What about buying tickets to see Theresa Caputo in a group setting?  Is this LESS expensive…and if so, how much should I expect to pay?

Any of these questions sound familiar?  We obviously get a ton of questions about Theresa Caputo, both from the standpoint of how accurate or legitimate we believe her to be, as well as of course, what you should expect to pay if you want to see her in person, either privately……or in a small group setting.


Like all celebrity psychics and mediums at the very pinnacle of their pouplarity, Theresa Caputo seems to have a long waiting list for private readings but DOES seem to be on the road quite a bit for small group demonstrations, and the prices for these sessions is quite affordable relatively speaking.  (between $39-$100 for tickets….as per her blog post below)

It also seems like, (again…..per the blog post below) that many third party vendors are “scalping” tickets to her local events, causing a bit of confusion amongst her fans, friends and followers, especially in the social media communities where she remains very popular.

Your best bet if you want to see Theresa Caputo in person?

The truth is, the absolute BEST way to find out her prices, and availability, is to simply visit her web site directly right here. 

Is it easy to make a private appointment with Theresa Caputo?

No, it’s not.  And that shouldn’t be surprising, considering she is not only the most eagerly sought out medium in the world today, she’s also amongst the most busy as well.  (many of our readers have told us privately they’ve left numerous messages, comments and email requests for a “call back” from TC’s management team, and have never heard back……which is unfortunate, but not all that unexpected when reaching out to someone so much in demand)

Do note of course…..that just because Theresa Caputo is the worlds most FAMOUS medium, doesn’t mean that she’s the best!  There are many world class psychics, mediums and spirit intermediaries who are as good, or in my view…..even better than the Long Island Medium, and who are far easier to see or speak to as well.  (For MY money, Gordon Smith, the UK medium known as the “Psychic Barber” is probably the most impressive evidential medium I’ve ever seen in person – and we’ve seen just about all of them 🙂

  1. Theresa Caputo Events & Appointments

2. Want to learn how to communicate with spirit on your own?  Check out our free 10 day spirit communication course right here.

3. Or, check out our Facebook Page HERE for some more great ways to get evidence that your loved ones are close by…..always!

For more on Theresa Caputo and her private readings and appearances…….check out her EVENTS page below – and/or use the contact information provided on her own web page to inquire about private readings, should that be what you’re looking for.  (you can check out both at the link, following the short announcement/excerpt below 🙂

For more on the Long Island Medium, continue reading at the link below!

Hi everyone! It has come to my attention that tickets are being bought and sold through third party sites that are charging ridiculous prices and making false promises. We do everything in our power to try to prevent this, but this is something that I have no control over. It’s extremely upsetting to me that these sites are taking advantage of my fans. The only way to avoid this is to go the EVENT PAGE. The page has all the most current and up to date information with all links to all venues. You will see that tickets to the Live Experience start at $39.00 with the most expensive ticket being in the $100.00 range depending on the venue. I try to keep prices affordable so that tickets can be accessible to all. SO PLEASE ONLY PURCHASE TICKETS THROUGH MY WEBSITE OR THROUGH THE VENUES BOX OFFICE.


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