Ann Asks…….

Q:  What are the biggest difference between psychics and mediums in the US, versus those that work in other countries or cultures?

A:  The truth is, psychic abilities and genuinely gifted intuitive’s or empaths aren’t all that different from one country or culture to the next.  Someone with a genuine gift for connecting or communicating with the other side in Africa… not going to be all that different, from a “skills” or sensitivity perspective, from someone in America.

What DOES differ greatly?

How they ply and apply their trade.  For example, many of the crazy fees that many readrers charge in the US, may be frowned upon in the UK, or via an offical Spiritualist Church, which many overseas mediums may be affiliated with, and is less common here.  (in the USA)

Some of the mediums we’ve spoken to in some other cultures actually work for free…..or incorporate other healing modalities into their readings as well.  They can also be held in MUCH higher esteem in these kind of cultures, rather than in Western society, where mediumship is often looked at with great spiritual suspicion.

Here is a demonstration given by Spiritualist Mediums Craig and Jane Hamilton Parker – 2 of the better known mediums working in the UK.


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