Q: How can I find a psychic? I need help, guidance and hope after a loss, and really could use a hand rediscovering what I’m here to do. What is the best way to find a legitimate medium or authentic psychic?

We’ve gotten a few questions on our Facebook page this week about finding a psychic, and the truth is, there is SO much myth, misinformation and spiritual silliness out there when it comes to picking a medium (or any spiritual coach) that we felt it was neccessary to clarify some of the challenges that folks face, as well as offer up some advice to all, as well.

The first rule for finding a psychic?

psychic questionsCaveat Emptor!  Be careful with both your trust, your budget, your time and your personal information.  Many people have shared bad experiences with psychics, mediums, “healers” and other spiritual teachers that it ought to be said that you need to do some due dillegence, EVEN if you’ve had really good experiences with this field in the past.  (in other words – you already fall in the true believers camp, like many of our readers obviously do)

Do your best to ensure there are no surprises when it comes to cost, or fees, or anything unexpected from a compensation standpoint as well.  I had an experience last year with a well known local medium in Miami, who 45 minutes into an already expensive reading, offered to do a more in depth “past life regression” for an extra $200.  (and offered me a “special deal” just for that day)  When I told him I managed a psychic directory, and newsletter list of over 10 thousand people all interested in finding trustworthy psychics, and would be sharing the details of my experience with our audience, he immediately told me the past life reading wasn’t really all that important after all 🙂

When getting a reading?

Say as little as possible.  No genuine medium, or authentic psychic, wants you to over-share.  It runs counter to the pride, purpose and personal power that most authentic mediums get from their work, and will often find your desire to “over-validate” what they tell you a distraction rather than a help.

Take ALL psychic advice (even this!) with a grain of salt.  No psychic or medium is a super hero.  I don’t care if you see them on TV, or in a local strip mall.  A good medium is simply using a tool – their intuition or spiritual antenna in a way that most of us aren’t tuned to be able to tap into, in the very same way.  Any medium that starts waxing poetic about his or her gifts, their family lineage of gifted healers, the specialness of thier particular talents, starts comparing themselves to other (better known) psychics or mediums, or talks about their “proven” accuracy percentage, etc – to me, this is a big red flag.

The truth?  The very BEST mediums are often the most humble, down to earth and curious about spiritual realities, and are often UNSURE about how or why their gifts even work.  Some of the most studied mediums in history (people like Eileen Garrett, for example) are amongst the most interested in how the spirit world works (or even if it’s really real!) even while being amazing, outstanding and incredibly impressive psychic mediums…….spiritual teachers for the rest of us.

So look local, find a well reviewed psychic or medium, don’t break your budget, don’t believe the hype….and go in with an open mind, but NOT so open that your brains fall out!

For some more opinions from around the web on finding a psychic, check out some of the curated links below.  (note:  we don’t agree with all of these opinions, we just share for some additional  perspective you may find helpful! 🙂


When looking for a psychic medium, most people would like to find someone in your area, but let me tell you something:

Most mediums will collectively agree that telephone readings are just as accurate, if not MORE, than live readings. The reason being is that on a telephone line they can focus more on the energy of the Spirits present and less on the client’s energy, making for a clearer read all around.

Give this fact, due to modern technologies, location doesn’t matter in terms of accuracy or who you are limited to working with.



Tips for Finding a local medium

Finding a psychic can be tricky. Whether you’re looking for a Tarot card reader, a medium, or someone to give some basic advice or entertainment, it’s hard to tell who’s good at what they do, and who’s just out to take your money. There’s no criteria for becoming a psychic or card reader—anyone can claim to be one—so it’s important to do your homework when you’re out shopping for a psychic, so you don’t get stuck with a bad one.



Avoiding Fake Psychics

Things to AVOID Telling a Psychic Are……

If you are getting a medium style reading, for example, where you are trying to connect with a deceased loved one, telling the medium WHO it is that you are trying to contact is a big no no, in my view. (even though some mediums will gently encourage you to do it)

Don’t tell the reader very specific things about the circumstance you want solved. A GOOD psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive or energy worker will figure them out for you, and the BEST information is that which comes through without you needing to share too much in advance.


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